Best Y&R Lines Monday 8/13/12

Y&R Best Lines Monday 8/13/12


Provided By Eva

Lauren: Mm. Now does Avery representing Paul and Phyllis-- is that a conflict?

Michael: (Chuckles) Golly, no. Phyllis fired her.

Lauren: Ah. It's like musical lawyers around here.

Michael: Yeah, you know, I just sit in the district attorney's chair and watch the crazy go by.

Heather: What the heck is that?

Daniel: Oh, uh, yeah, and then there's this little gem, which, uh...

Heather: (Laughs)

Daniel: I don't even really remember getting.

Heather: Oh, you were a little drunk, huh?

Daniel: Mm... yeah. (Laughs)

Heather: That's how I would have to be if I ever got a tattoo.

Daniel: (Laughs) Are you scared of needles?

Heather: Yep. Needles, snakes, and hubris.

Daniel: Okay, well, I get needles, I get snakes.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: Hubris?

Heather: (Sighs) So I have this Odysseus complex, not to be confused with an Oedipus complex...

Daniel: Mm.

Heather: Which would be weird and wouldn't work out for us.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Heather: Anyway, Odysseus thought that he could handle anything, and it usually ended in epic failure, just like me.

Daniel: Oh, so you've had a couple of tough breaks, but we all have, huh?

Heather: Yeah. What are you afraid of?

Daniel: Ooh. Um... being a crappy dad.

Heather: Really?

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Heather: I've seen you with Lucy. You have no worries there.

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