Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 3/7/12

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 3/7/12


Provided By Eva

Michael: I'm glad you ate. I got tied up at court.

Fen: (Laughs) How'd you get untied?

Michael: Oh, you know, the judges get hungry, they start munching on their gavels.

Fen: Ugh.

Michael: Yeah, it's disgusting. That's why my objection was sustained, and I got to go to lunch.

Billy: I have to get you to school, or I'm gonna be in big trouble with your little mama.

Delia: Oy!

Billy: Oy.

Delia: Ugh.

Billy: Help me out here. Here, let me get this on. You want to go school, hmm?

Delia: No.

Billy: No? Well, I figured. It's just like I don't want to go to L.A., but it's my job, just like going to school is your job, so you can grow up to be even smarter, so you can be president. No? No president? Oh, you could be, uh, you could be a doctor and help other little girls get better, like your doctors helped you.

Delia: Mom says I'm gonna be a fashionista.

Billy: Mom says you're gonna be a fashionista? Okay, well, maybe we can compromise and you can multitask, and you could do both. You can be a fashionista doctor, or the first fashionista president. I'm not gonna be gone that long, and I promise you, I will get you everything on that very long, long list of yours, okay? I love you. Mwah! (Growls)

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