Best Y&R Lines Friday 11/4/11

Y&R Best Lines Friday 11/4/11


Provided By Eva

Phyllis: Hi.

Ronan: My favorite suspect.

Phyllis: Am I still on your list?

Ronan: Right on top of it.

Phyllis: Wow. What's a girl gotta do to get the heat off?

Piper: I rushed right over as soon as my chores were done.

Sam: Good. You ready for your surprise?

Faith: (Babbles) uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Piper: Sharon!

Sharon: Hi, piper.

Piper: Oh, my gosh. I've missed you so much!

Sharon: (Chuckles) I missed you, too, sweetheart.

Piper: Are you... I mean, is it okay and everything?

Sharon: Yep, you know what? The charges were dropped, and I'm free, and so I came for a visit.

Sam: Pretty neat, huh?

Piper: Awesome. Is this...

Sharon: This is my daughter faith. And, um, she likes to color and play with her dolls and her stuffed animals.

Piper: Hey, faith. I'm piper. I love to color, too. You and I are gonna be good friends. Is this your lamb?

Sharon: This is Lulu.

Piper: What a pretty name. I have a lamb, too. Well, she's getting to be a grown-up sheep now. Her name's Fanny. Your mom named her. You and lulu have to come meet her.

Sam: I understand why you came back. Your soul is here.

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