Best Y&R Lines Friday 11/5/10

Best Lines of Y&R Friday 11/5/10--Canada; Monday 11/8/10--USA


Provided By Wanda

Victor: You honestly think I'd bring another woman into our home? Hmm?

Nikki: Well, you came to me in all your grandeur and gave me this gigantic ring. And then your wife posted a wedding photo of the two of you on FacePlace.

Victor: Now you listen carefully. I didn't marry her. It was a setup. It was a scam. She's a con artist. She marries wealthy guys. Then she kills them and runs off with their money. I was to be the next victim. As far as you falling off the wagon, she spiked your tea all along. She wanted you to fall off the wagon, get you the hell out of her way.

Nikki: Oh, my God. So that feeling I had like I... had already had alcohol before I even took a first drink... you didn't really marry Meggie or...

Victor: I didn't abandon you, either.

Nikki: Oh, Victor, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you let me know what you had planned?

Victor: Because I had to act quickly.

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