Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 2/10/10

Best Lines of Y&R Wednesday 2/10/10--Canada; Thursday 2/11/10--USA


Provided By Wanda

J.T.: You know what, Victor? It almost sounds like you were issuing me an order.

Victor: You're misunderstanding me. I'm merely suggesting you make this divorce as amicable as possible, especially as regards to the custody of Reed.

J.T.: I will not discuss my son with you like he's a subsidiary to be voted on by a committee. You know, you have imposed yourself into my marriage from the beginning. Thank God I don't have to put up with your power plays much longer.

Victor: All right, you want to be free? Consider yourself sprung, all right? Just know that I will always look out for my daughter and my grandson. And if you cause any kind of difficulty, you'll have to play with the big boys. You will deal with me.

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