Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 12/23/09

Best Lines of Y&R Wednesday 12/23/09--Canada; Thursday 12/24/09


Provided By Wanda

Billy: Good! Don't try to be. Because who's your daddy, huh? Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy. Look at this little juggle.

Chloe: Okay. Okay, hand her to me. Come on.

Billy: I'm having a conversation with my daughter. Back up.

Chloe: Listen, you want to get drunk and slobber all over she deserves better than that. You give her to me right now. Come on.

Billy: Well, I'd better go. You're not driving in that condition.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey. I got it, okay, buddy?

Chance: Billy, you try it, I'm gonna arrest you for driving under the influence.

Billy: Oh, ho! The "big bad detective's" gonna arrest me. All right, you want to come on?

Chloe: Listen, you just got out of jail. You want to go back?

Kay: Billy, Murphy can drive you home, dear.

Chance: No, no, it's okay. It's okay. I'll take care of it. Let's go.

Billy: Of course.

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