Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 8/19/09

Best Lines of Y&R Wednesday 8/19/09--Canada; Thursday 8/20/09--USA


Provided By Wanda

Amber: Don't go calling the travel agent yet. If I go through with this wedding, we'll have a civil ceremony and hit the drive-through for the reception.

Deacon: Oh, come on. Let's do this in style.

Amber: You can dress it any way you want. There's nothing to celebrate.

Deacon: It-- Amber, this isn't a sham. I want a real marriage with you.

Amber: You just want what you can't have.

Deacon: Well, if history proves anything, it's that you and I have chemistry. I know all the worst things that there are to know about you, and I still accept you for who you are. Can you say that about Daniel? I didn't think so. With me, baby, you'll never have to pretend that you're something that you're not. I love your sweet side. I love your daring side. I even love that little black heart that you try and hide from everyone.

Amber: If you really loved me, you wouldn't force me to marry you.

Deacon: I'll tell you what, let's forget the words. I'll show you how I feel. You deserve a proper proposal. Ambrosia Moore, will you marry me?

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