Best Y&R Lines Friday 6/26/09

Best Lines of Y&R Friday 6/26/09--Canada; Monday 6/29/09--USA


Provided By Wanda

Mac: A paternity test? Sharon?

Chloe: You'd think someone would have filled her in by now, huh?

Billy: Oh, would you just shut up, Chloe?

Chloe: So Billy nailed his brother's wife. Yep, and I guess it was just in the heat of the moment, because, whoops, they didn't use protection. But don't worry about it. Don't worry. Don't freak out just yet, because Billy is actually not the only daddy option. So, uh, I don't know. Should we all just hang out and wait for the results to come back, and then you guys can get back to what you guys were doing? I wasn't supposed to tell you, but then I thought that the test results were a little bit more important than you getting lucky.

Billy: Would you just be quiet, please?

Mac: You two love this. You torture each other for fun.

Billy: No, look, wait. Mac, don't, um... hey, it was an accident, all right? I-it just--

Chloe: Yeah, see, he sort of just tripped and fell on top of her while she was naked.

Billy: It was before you came back to town.

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