Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 4/15/09

Best Lines of Y&R Wednesday 4/15/09--Canada; Thursday 4/16/09--USA


Provided By Wanda

Jill: Yeah, me, for actually believing you could love me as your daughter. But now I know better.

Kay: I do love you. I do love you! Biology is irrelevant to me, and I've told you that over and over again, Jill. How many--

Jill: Oh, ho. That's rare. That's funny.

Kay: What is so funny?

Jill: You, Katherine! you really assume that I am so desperate that I would buy this garbage? You've taken away everything that I care about. And yet, you waltz in here expecting me to believe that you are not the one responsible for what's just happened?

Kay: Then why would I boot you out of Chancellor if I took all that time to teach you how to run it?

Jill: Because it was expected of you. "Saint Katherine" couldn't snub her daughter. But secretly... wow, secretly, it must have just killed you to pretend you gave a damn.

Kay: That is not how I felt! No. You are hurt, you're upset, and--and you're projecting it all on me.

Jill: No. I'm seeing things for the way they really are for the very first time. This is payback, isn't it? All those years we were enemies, all those things you think I took from you, you're just returning the favor. You didn't come here to make peace. You came here to watch me fall, and the harder, the better.

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