Best Y&R Lines Monday 9/15/08

Best Lines of Y&R Monday 9/15/08--Canada; Tuesday 9/16/08--USA


Provided By Wanda

Gloria: I came by to see if you wanted to have breakfast with me. I found your father here. Imagine my surprise.

Michael: Oh. Well... imagine my surprise when I came home last night and caught you two together.

Gloria: You were spying on us?

Michael: Spying? It's my home, Gloria.

Gloria: Well, then why didn't you say something?

Michael: Because I was disgusted. I just closed the door and left.

Gloria: Well, you didn't have to run off, because nothing happened between us, right? Right?

River: It was positively puritanical.

Michael: All night and into the next day.

Gloria: Okay.

Michael: I wonder how Jeffrey will feel about this.

Gloria: What Jeffrey doesn't know won't hurt him. So why don't you be a good son, and keep your mouth shut?

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