Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 1/30/08

Best Lines of Y&R Wednesday 1/30/08--Canada; Thursday 1/31/08--USA


Provided By Asiya

Jill: Well, maybe the third time's the charm. I mean, that has been how many times you've been married since you've been in Genoa City? I can't keep track.

Cane: Katherine, the girl entered the contest disguised as another woman.

Cane: No, Amber, listen, I need you to acknowledge that you heard what I just said to you. We do not have a future together. I do not love you anymore, but you deserve to be loved.

Cane: And you deserve to be happy. But it's just not gonna be with me.

Amber: I-I-I know that. I mean, I understand that. You know, I think that it's time that you and I would just go our separate ways. And you must think I'm just like an idiot, because you said this to me like a billion times. That it just doesn't sink in.

Neil: Okay. Fair enough. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. This time. But, Cane, let me warn you. If you ever do anything to hurt my daughter, if I ever see her shed a tear over you, I'm not gonna be a happy daddy.

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