Best Y&R Lines Thursday 11/8/07

Best Lines of Y&R Thursday 11/8/07--Canada; Friday 11/9/07--USA


Provided By Wanda

Kevin: Okay, fine. Who is your favorite son who does your dirty deeds?

Gloria: Ah. Well, I guess that would be you.

Kevin: Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay, so I have some highly sought after information courtesy of my amazing, amazing girlfriend. Who happens to be your new best friend.

Gloria: Hey, hey, hey, don't push it. One visit at a time.

Kevin: What if I told you that she was talking to the chaplain about John? To figure out the will. When you were talking about it being forged, she decided to investigate. Well, mom, the chaplain was around when John was acting all crazy and getting into fights.

Gloria: So maybe the chaplain knows why John cut me out of his will?

Kevin: Exactamundo.

Gloria: So what'd she find out?

Kevin: Well, it turns out while your hubby was in the pen, he had a confidante. I have his name.

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