Best Y&R Lines Tuesday 7/18/06

Best Lines of Y&R Tuesday 7/18/06 -- Canada; Wednesday 7/19/06 -- USA


Provided By Jodi

Colleen: Yeah, JT's still out of town. Hey, um, do you have any idea what's in the box?

Brad: Well, uh, since you labeled it "Colleen's stuff," I guess there's some stuff.

Colleen: Must be stuff. Oh, well, whatever it is, thank you for bringing it over.

Brad: You're welcome. It's the last box. I guess my little girl's really moved out.

Colleen: Abby moved out?

Phyllis: Well, I didn't realize you were back in town.

Nick: Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry that I had to get away. I needed some time.

Phyllis: I understand.

Nick: Well, uh... I'm the father. The baby's mine.

Nick: This is the toughest decision I've ever had to make. I love you. And I already love our baby.

Nick: But I have a wife and a son who need me. I have an obligation to them.

Phyllis: I understand.

Nick: I'm sorry if I've been... sending you mixed signals. But I've really... really been struggling with this.

Phyllis: I know you have. It's a tough situation-- for everybody.

Nick: Thanks.

Phyllis: But one very beautiful thing came out of this-- my baby.

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