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Lauren: You can't hear anything yet.
Michael: Shh, shh. I do. I hear something, I swear.
Lauren: Yeah, well, I hate to tell you, its lunch-- in stereo.
Michael: No, I... all right, when? When? When are you gonna start to show? Because I want-- I want something I can-- I can see. I can hear, you know, listen to. You know, I need that. I want that now.
Lauren: Okay, well, you're just gonna have to wait, just a little bit.
Michael: I wonder if you can have twins. I've never asked Gloria if that runs in our family.
Lauren: Oh, my God, don't put that out in the universe! Let's just do one at a time, okay?
Michael: All right, sorry. I don't mean to be greedy.
Lauren: You know, I was hoping you'd be happy, but I had no idea you'd be this over the moon.
Victor: So anytime you're finished with one of your deliveries, just talk to me and I'll try to get you into a meeting.
Daniel: Really? Well, thank you. That's very cool.
Victor: You better remain a fly on the wall.
Daniel: Absolutely, Mr. Newman.
Woman: Excuse me, Mr. Newman, I can't find Victoria or Nicholas. And there's a call from Mr. Sabatino in Rome. He sounds upset.
Victor: Thank you, I will take it in my office. Come on. You may as well be privy to an international business call. Buongiorno, Frederico. Come va? Bene, grazie. Mm-hmm. Yes, I did. No, we didn’t. No, Frederico, we negotiated a price, then we signed an option agreement. And now you have second thoughts, is that it? In other words, you're trying to renege? Frederico, in our country we have a term for that. You'd be called a "Crybaby." I think, if memory serves me correctly, in your language, you would be called a piagnucolone. That's right. Piacere.
Lily: Um, Dad, I have to... I have to do my salesperson thing.
Neil: Oh, uh... you mind if I watch?
Lily: A little. It's not a good idea. I gotta be all chirpy and stuff.
Neil: Oh, right, right. Well, I wouldn't want to be around when you're being chirpy. Hey, come here, kid. I love you to pieces. I'll talk to you later. Be careful, okay?
Lily: I love you, too, Dad-- I mean, sir, thank you for coming in today.
Gloria: Stop it. Don't you do this to me, Kevin. Please.
Kevin: This is for your own good, Mom. It's not about hiding information, okay? Well, it is, but it's a lot worse than that.
Gloria: Oh, God.
Michael: Go on, spit it out, Kevin.
Kevin: It was Mom. Mom tampered with the cream. Mom is responsible for that woman's death.
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