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Kay: Oh, this, it's, um, uh, Esther’s famous chicken whatever soup-- noodles and that to make you well.
Mac: You're kidding. Kevin just brought me a gallon of this. I'm swimming in it.
Kay: Oh, dear, well, you don't have a fever. But, uh, have you seen the doctor?
Mac: I don't need to see the doctor. I don't have the flu.
Kay: What do you mean? I don't understand. You--
Mac: I'm pregnant.
Paul: Hello, everyone. Gloria, I heard about your little escapade at the lab.
Ashley: Paul, the coat's gone.
Paul: It's gone?
Michael: Yes. Gloria, in her infinite wisdom, stuffed it into the fireplace. It is incinerated.
Paul: Well, luckily, we don't need it.
Michael: What do you mean?
Paul: I got the report back.
Ashley: Already?
Paul: They put a rush on it. The blood on John's coat matches Tom's D.N.A.
Nick: We can't keep kidding ourselves. This isn't just physical.
Phyllis: It's physical for me.
Nick: If you wanna go on lying to yourself, you can do that, but I'm not.
Phyllis: We agreed we're supposed to keep this light.
Nick: Well, I'm breaking the rules.
Phyllis: Two words-- you're married.
Nick: Two more-- I've fallen.
Phyllis: I-I'm... I don't-- I don't wanna hear that. Listen, this is-- this isn't happening. I-I don't-- I don't wanna-- I don't wanna hear that.
Phyllis: Are you gonna leave my office or do I have to?
Nick: I'm not going anywhere.
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