Sites Amber's
Sunset Beach Page
Everything you need to know about Sunset Beach
including archives, pictures, and more.
Chad's Sunset Beach Page All sorts of great stuff!
Talk with other Sunset Beach fans from all over the world.
IMDb Sunset Beach Page
Full cast and crew list, trivia, quotes, soundtracks, etc.
Kathrine's Sunset
Beach Page
Cast, classic lines, photos, etc.
Sunset Beach
Fan fiction message board.
Shrine to the Soap
Hunks of Sunset Beach
Lots of great photos.
Summaries, trivia, and quotes of all 755 episodes.
Twitter Fan Page
To keep Sunset Beach alive.
The online encyclopedia's page for
Sunset Beach.
Actor/Character Sites
♥ Annie
Sarah Buxton Online
Official page for the actress who played Annie.
♥ Antonio/Gabi/Ricardo My
Tribute to Gabi and Ricardo
Great stuff for the characters, including spoilers, fan
fic, photos, etc.
& Gabi
Fan club, members list, pics, articles, links
Antonio and Gabi
Info, pictures, other characters
Ant's Nick Kiriazis
Zone - The home of Nick Kiriazis
FAQ about the actor who played Antonio
♥ Bette
Kathleen Noone, The Real Queen of the
Info and pictures of the actress who played Bette Kathleen Noone's Official Web Site
Bio, Q&A, news, photos, and links
♥ Caitlin
Randy Spelling Official Site
For the actor who played Sean, now a life coach.
Vanessa Dorman's Unofficial Webpage
Fan page for the actress who played Caitlin
♥ Others
Ben & Meg Fan Fiction
Nice fanfic library. My Personal Website - Leigh Taylor-Young
Official page for the actress who played Elaine
The Unofficial Randy
Spelling Page !
Info, sounds, pics, links, etc. for the actor who
played Sean
Romance on the Beach
This site contains character histories of Gabi, Ricardo, Casey, Sara, Sean, and Emily; the
history of how and when they first met; fanfiction related to them; and web sites |