Sunset Beach Birthdays List From The TV MegaSite
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Sunset Beach Cast Birthdays

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Timothy Adams

Casey Mitchum 


August 4, 1967
Jennifer Banko Tiffany Thorne (#2) November 8, 1978
Peter Barton (I) Eddie Connors July 19,1956
Shawn Batten Sara Cummings (#2) August 14
Sam Behrens Gregory Richards/Tobias Richards  July 24,1950
Sarah Buxton  Anna Claire "Annie" Douglas-Richards  March 23
Krissy Carlson  Amy Neilsen August 10, 1979
Christina Chambers Maria Torres-Evans October 24
Hank Cheyne Ricardo Torres  August 13
Eddie Cibrian Cole Deschanel (#2)  June 18, 1973
Lisa Coles  Francesca Vargas April 8
Margarita Cordova Madame Carmen Torres February 26
Russell Curry  Dr. Tyus Robinson August 28
Vanessa Dorman  Caitlin Richards-Deschanel (#1) February 27, 1979
Lesley-Anne Down Olivia Richards  March 17, 1954
Adrienne Frantz Tiffany Thorne (#1) June 7, 1978
Priscilla Garita  Gabriela "Gabi" Martinez Torres March 15, 1974
Jason George (II) Michael Bourne  February 9, 1972
Dax Griffin Tim Truman  March 22, 1975
Cristi Harris  Emily Davis December 3
Ashley Hamilton Cole Deschanel (A.K.A. Cole St. John) (#1) September 30, 1974
Kam Heskin  Caitlin Richards-Deschanel (#2) May 5, 1975
Kelly Hu  Dr. Rae Chang February 13, 1967
Dominique Jennings  Virginia Harrison October 30
Sean Kanan  Jude Cavanaugh November 2, 1966
Nick Kiriazis Father Antonio Torres June 9
Laura Herring Paula Stevens March 3, 1964
Steven Vincent Leigh  Wei-Lee Yung ?
Tracy Lindsey  Tess Marin June 22
John Martin (V) Hank Cummings July 21
David Matthiessen Leo Deschanel April 11, 1976
Kathleen Noone Bette Katzenkazrahi  January 8
V.P. Oliver Jimmy Harrison (#1) October 8
Chase Parker Benjy Evans April 22, 1994
Sydney Penny Meg Cummings (#2) August 7, 71
Carol Potter  Jean Cummings  May 21, 1948
Clive Robertson (I)  Ben Evans/Derek Evans December 17, 1965
Sherri Saum  Vanessa Hart Bourne October 1
Randy Spelling Sean Richards October 9, 1978
Nick Stabile  Mark Wolper March 4, 1971
Michael Strickland  Brad Niklaus  June 8
Gordon Thomson Armando "A.J." Deschanel March 3, 1945
Susan Ward (I)  Meg Cummings-Evans (#1) April 15, 1976
Jeffery Wood  Jimmy Harrison (#2) ?
Lauren Woodland Sara Cummings (#1)
(Note: Now on Y&R as Brittany Hodges)
Leigh Taylor-Young Elaine Stevens January 25, 1944
John Reilly (I) Del Douglas November 11, 1936
Lucinda Lewis  Ally  April 28
Barbara Luna  Sydney March 2, 1939
Kelli McCarty  Alma Rodriguez February 22
Barbara Mandrell  Alexandra Mitchum December 25, 1948
Joyce Guy  Mrs. Moreau ?
Bonnie Hellman Nurse Stacey Krakowski ?
J. Karen Thomas Jada  ?
Sandra Ferguson  Jade Sheridan  March 23, 1967
Elizabeth Alley  Melinda Fall ?
Constance Towers Julianna Deschanel
(Note: Now Helena On General Hospital)
May 20, 1933 
Andre Khabbazi Officer Oscar Ruiz January 15
Susan Seaforth Hayes Patricia Steele July 11, 1943
Darla Haun Connie November 10
Jessica Tuck  Diane Wood February 19, 1963
Mariann Aalda Lena Hart (#2) ?
Denise Alexander (I) Sister Beatrice November 11, 1939
Lillian Lehman  Lena Hart (#1) February 12
Ana Auther  Dr. Luisa Estrada ?
Henry Gibson  Wayne Landry September 21, 1935
Samantha Becker Elizabeth October 25, 1979
George Cheung Mr. Chang ?
E.E. Bell  Morgue Attendant December 27, 1955
George Palermo  Jake March 16, 1967
Renée Graham Claudette ?
Ann Gillespie  Shelley Thomas ?
Ali Landry  Kenzie July 21, 1973
Brenda James Kelly
Leeza Gibbons  Herself March 26, 1957
Terry Davis (I) Hillary Nichols July 23, 1951
Jean Carol (I)  Florence Kennedy April 13
Scott Layne Hit Man  ?
Margaret Scarborough  Tess Montgomery  ?
Michael Fairman  Archbishop  February 25, 1934
David Andriole Officer Spencer ?
Jim Storm Charles Lakin ?
Thyme Lewis Pete Valente ?
Brett Stimely Joshua Sloane ?
Michael Sabatino Phillip Vargas June 25, 1955
Ramsay Midwood Ralph Myers ?
Michael Melvin (I)  Captain Grogan ?
Billy Blanks  Himself, Gung-Ho Trainer ?
Brian Patrick Clarke  Congressman Robert "Bob" Blythe ?
Mushond Lee  Jamahl "JoJo Grimes" Muhammad ?
Don Amendolia Albert Xavier "Big Al" Kennedy  ?
Nunei Harrington Ellen Blake ?
Kathryn Daley  Dr. Alison McRae ?
Mark Collier (III) Bartender ?
Mark Davis (VII) Russ  ?
Gerard Christopher Dinome  Dr. Carl Brock  ?
Tony Ayer  Mugger ?
Christopher Halsted  Gerard ?
Mark Burnham (I) Claude (2/98)  ?
David Chisum  Bret ?
Bernie Kopell Captain Nelson June 21, 1933
Cynthia Garrett Cynthia, VH1 Host ?
Jim Hanks  Voice of Spike the dog  ?
Joey Dedio Voice of Baby Trey ?
Al Chaek Voice of God ?
Carlos Bernard  Intern October 12
Cris Borgnine  Police Patrolman ?
Katherine D'Armond Nurse Helen  ?
Giselle Fernandez Reporter May 15,1961
Lynn Hamilton Selita Jones ?
Michael H. Moss Hal (as Michael Moss)  ?
Chris Olivero  Jake  ?
Mark Ritter  Bernie Neilsen ?
Lise Simms  Nurse Kathy Baker  ?
Victor Webster Roger February 7, 1973

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

Other Birthday Lists: All My Children, Another World, As the World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, The City/Loving, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, GH: Night Shift, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Young & the Restless, 24, 30 Rock, Alias, Almost Human, American Gothic, Angel, Arrow, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Beauty & The Beast, Being Human, Big Bang Theory, Blackadder, Bones, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castle, Charmed, Covert Affairs, CSI, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dawson's Creek, Drew Carey Show, Earth 2, Eerie Indiana, Fawlty Towers, Ghost Whisperer, Gotham, Grey's Anatomy, Grosse Pointe, Haven, Herman's Head, Heroes, Hi Honey I'm Home, Hollywood Heights, Howard Stern Show, House, Jericho, Larry Sanders Show, Law & Order, Lois and Clark, Lost, Mad About You, Mork & Mindy, The O.C., Pacific Palisades, Police Squad!, Red Dwarf, Remington Steele, Savannah, Sledgehammer, Smallville, Space: 1999, Star Trek, True Blood, TV Nation and Vampire Diaries.

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