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Port Charles News Page


News About PC Cast

David Gail (Joe) passed away.

Remembering ‘Port Charles,’ 20 Years After the ‘General Hospital’ Spinoff’s End

Rib Hillis (Jake) married former "One Life to Live" star Jessica Morris (ex-Jen) May 11, 2023.

According to Soap Opera Digest, Erin Hershey (Allison) and Brian Presley (Jack) are still married....they celebrated 20 years together in July, 2022 and have three children.

Older News:

Brian Gaskill (ex-Rafe) stars in a new movie, "A Bachelor's Valentine." See More  It premieres in January. See the new trailer!

According to Soap Opera Digest's 2/14 issue, Ian Buchanan (ex-Joshua), Kin Shriner (Scott) and others appear in a series of short form YouTube videos that are supposed to be behind-the-scenes of a fictional soap called "THIS SHOW SUCKS: Truth + Consequences." Jim Warren, who is most known for photographing soap stars, is the brain behind the series. You can find the videos here.

Brian Gaskill (Rafe) was in a play in NYC and caught COVID. We wish him a speedy recovery! 

Jay Pickett (Frank) passed away

SID: Happy Anniversary to Port Charles! 23 years since it started!

ABC will air a special, "Story of the Soaps," May 19.

Chat today, Friday, 4/24 11am Pacific Time with Jon Lindstrom (Kevin/Ryan), his wife Cady McClain (Dixie, AMC) and her former co-star Michael E. Knight (Tad, AMC)!

Join in an effort to bring Michael Easton back to GH by petitioning the GH Powers That Be.

Vote for your favorite daytime and primetime actors in this weekly poll - it includes Brian Gaskill, Kelly Monaco and many others! See the results on their Twitter feed.

In the July 8 issue of Soap Opera Digest, Linda Dano (ex-Rae) is featured in a short interview.

Jon Lindstrom (Kevin, now on GH) was nominated for a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series.
Don't miss the Daytime Emmys, streaming online Sunday, May 5, at 8 p.m. ET.
Everything you need to know about this year's Daytime Emmys!

Soap Vet Jed Allan (ex-Ed) Passed Away

Brian Gaskill posted this on Instagram about Jed Allan, along with a video clip from PC: Jed Allan passed away yesterday...he was the best acting partner and working with him let me live the dream of feeling like I was in an old classic fantasy movie about angels and their boss in heaven. He was perfect...I only hope heaven is real and maybe we can catch up someday, and have a laugh that we are back where we started... much love and condolences to your friends and family.

See Brian Gaskill (ex-Rafe)'s Donald Trump imitation!

Jensen Buchanan (ex-Elise, Y&R; ex-Marley/Vicky, AW & ATWT; ex-Sarah, OLTL; ex-Melissa, GH & PC) was arrested for driving under the influence on the morning of May 18, 2016, when her black 2016 Mercedes drifted across a double yellow line and slammed into a 2014 Ford C-Max at 6:20 a.m. in Buellton, near Santa Barbara. While her injuries were considered minor, the other driver was treated for "major injuries" at Cottage Hospital.

"Ladies of the Lake," the new digital series based on the novel by Days' Executive Producer Ken Corday, has announced its cast. Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady, Days; ex-Rick, B&B), Arianne Zucker (Nicole, Days), John-Paul Lavoisier (Philip, Days; ex-Rex, OLTL), Martha Madison (Belle, Days; ex-Elizabeth, GH; ex-Lola, Passions), Wally Kurth (Justin, Days; Ned, GH), Marie Wilson (Summer, Days; ex-Meg, ATWT; ex-Karen, PC & GH), Gordon Thomson (ex-Walter, Days; ex-Freeman, Passions; ex-AJ, Sunset Beach; ex-Adam, Dynasty), John Callahan (ex-Edmund, AMC; ex-Dr. Baker, Days; ex-Leo, GH), Patrika Darbo (ex-Nancy, Days), Lilly Melgar (ex-Lily, GH; ex-Claudia, B&B), Jessica Morris (ex-Jennifer, OLTL) & Jillian Clare (ex-Abby, Days) will appear in the new soap from Michael Caruso.

On Saturday, September 26, 2015, Brian Gaskill (ex-Rafe, PC) and his girlfriend, Ambika Leigh were sitting at a red light  in LA when a car in a high-speed chase crashed into them and totaled their Mercedes-Benz. They were not hurt. See the video here!

Michael Easton (Silas, GH; ex-McBain, OLTL; ex-Caleb, PC; ex-Tanner, Days) has written the graphic novel "Credence: Lose This Skin." Check out the trailer here!

On July 2, 2015, Michael Easton's (Silas, GH; ex-McBain, OLTL; ex-Caleb, PC; ex-Tanner, Days) short film "Ultraviolent," which he directed and produced, starring Trevor St. John (ex-Victor, OLTL), won the "Best of Show" Award in The Best Shorts Competition which recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity.

Brian Gaskill (ex-Rafe) wrote a play that will be performed on Friday, June 19, 2015, at the TinyRhino theater company, 1018 S Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90021. Click here for more info.

SOD 4/27/15

Kimberlin Brown (ex-Rachel) talks about what she does now with her life, now that she's no longer acting on soaps.

Charles Keating, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of villain Carl Hutchins in 1966, died at 72 on August 9, 2014. He also played James Ritchfield on PC, Niles Mason on ATWT, and Damon Lazarre on AMC.

Please check out our scoops for: AMC, ATWT, AW, B&B, Days, GH, GL, OLTL, Passions, Y&R, and General Daytime.

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Updated by Suzanne

Please email us if you hear of any good scoops!

This page is dedicated to Hilary, our beloved late volunteer, who used to update the scoop pages.

Page updated 1/21/24

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