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Port Charles Links Page


PC Links

Add Your Port Charles Link!                                            Links checked and added 7/21/12 by Suzanne
Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...

Find some of your favorite PC actors here

Sarah Aldrich on Facebook
For the actress who played Courtney

Jed Allan
Official page for booking the actor who played Ed.

Renee Allman on Facebook
Page for the actress who played Danielle

Joy Bisco on Facebook
Page for the actress who played Casey and Marissa

Genesis Creations
Call them if you want to book Vanessa Branch (Rebecca/Paige) for your charity event, fan event, party, etc.

Kimberlin Brown on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Rachel!

Ian Buchanan on Twitter
Follow the actor who played Joshua.

J. Byron
Official site for the actor who played Mark Boardman (for his artwork).

Linda Dano.com
The official page for the actress who played Rae.
Follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

William deVry
Myspace page from the wonderful actor who played Ian's friend Tim. Follow him on Facebook

The Official Michael Easton Site
Nice site for the actor who played Caleb and Michael, with plenty of graphics and other info.

Welcome to Kiko's World
The official page for Kiko Ellsworth (Jamal).  Cool site! Follow him on Twitter and Facebook

Giving up time; travel for the rain
Poetry, thoughts, & musings of Brian Gaskill (ex-Rafe)
Also, check out his Facebook & Twitter pages!

Susan Haskell
Official site of the actress who played Granya, Ian's sister.

Rib Hillis Official Site
Official page for the actor who played Jake.
Follow him on Twitter and Facebook!

David Holcomb on Reverbnation
Music page for the actor who played Greg. Also, follow him on Twitter!

The Official Anne Jeffreys Website
For the actress who played Amanda.

The Official Thorsten Kaye Website 
Wonderful page. Lots of great stuff for the actor who played Ian.

Jon Lindstrom
Official site for the actor who played Kevin (and Ryan). Follow him on Twitter

Kent King
Official site for the actress who played Imani. Follow her on Twitter! 
Visit her on Facebook

Zeus Mendoza on Facebook
For the third actor who played Joe (used to be Alex, now Zeus)

Kelly Monaco on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Livvie and Tess!

Debbi Morgan
Official site from the actress who originally portrayed Ellen. Follow her on Twitter!

Ion Overman on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Gabi

Mariam Parris on Facebook
For the actress who played Reese

Natasha Pavlovich
Official site of the actress who played Annette in The Gift!

Jay Pickett on Facebook
Visit the actor who played Frank!

Julie Pinson Online
Official site for the actress who played Eve!
Follow her on Twitter

Brian Presley on Twitter
Follow the actor who played Jack and visit him on Facebook!

Carly Schroeder's Website 
Old site for the actress who played Serena. Visit her on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.

Rebecca Staab
Official site of the actress who played Elizabeth. Visit her on Facebook

Shannon Sturges
Official Site for the actress who played Kate.
See her on Facebook, too!

Gary Anthony Sturgis
Official Facebook page for the actor who played Caz Also, check out his My Space page.

Rodney Van Johns on Facebook
For the actor who played Sebastian

Marie Wilson on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Karen

Many of the General Hospital actors were also on Port Charles, so check out their links!

General PC Pages

Angels and Roses
Great newer message board about the show as well as the actors' post-PC lives and careers. Still active!

Castle's Keep (formerly Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive)
Adult-oriented fan fiction about characters on Port Charles and other shows.

Coffeerooms "Port Charles" Board
About PC and life after the show

Dominiqua's World
Fan fiction and message board.

Like the show on this page for the show.

Busy message board about Port Charles

General Hospital and Port Charles Nurses' Balls
Fan page about the Nurses' Ball

The Haven
Formerly GH & PC Heaven. Message board, character list, and links.

Inspiration: Katie's Fanfic Collective
Several fanfics about newer and older characters!

The Internet Movie Database's page for Port Charles
The IMDB's page for the show, with cast list, links, etc.

Joan's Port Charles Archive
Screencaps beginning with "Fate" and Jon Robert Lindstrom info

Just Heavenly
Active message board about all of PC

Niki's Port Charles Gift Shop
Lots of PC items for sale

The PC Board
Message board to discuss the show, the characters, play games, and lots more.

Port Charles
Wapedia's Port Charles page

Port Charles on Facebook
Nice FB group for the show

Port Charles and General Hospital Group
A lot of messages but no recent activity

Port Charles Center
Active Yahoo group for PC fans

Port Charles Faces: A Photo Album
Groups characters according to where they can usually be found. Interesting but not current. Not currently active but may return.

Port Charles Heaven
Yahoo group. No longer very active. Must be a member to read.

Port Charles Interactive
Fun new site with polls, a survey, and many more ways to participate!

Port Charles Park
Voy forum for PC discussion

Port Charles Party
About a PC party held in 1999.

Port Charles Screen Caps
Almost 300 screencaps from Fate

Port Charles Screen Caps 2
More than 3600 screencaps from Fate

Port Charles Unlimited
The return of a popular site, now revamped.

Port Charles Videos 97-99
All episodes on YouTube between June 1, 97 to July 20, 99.

Port Charles Videos
All episodes on YouTube between July 2000 and the end!

Revive Port Charles
Another great Facebook group.

Romance and Port Charles
Yahoo group about romance and PC

Romance and Port Charles Two
Yahoo group about romance and PC. Used when main board is closed for maintenance.

Shrine to the Soap Hunks of Port Charles
Lots of great photos.

PC section of this soap opera site with lots of information

Soapsgirl's PC Photos Page 
Includes many screencaps, photos, and some movies!

Soapzone (formerly Port Charles Online)
The best and oldest GH and PC site on the Web! Popular message board, updates, and a whole lot more.  Now also has sites about AMC and OLTL.

TV Guide Online
Great site with news, daily recaps, and a lot more

Horror Vacul
Alison analyzes the show's arcs

The online encyclopedia's page for Port Charles.

Which Port Charles Character Are You?
Fun quiz with 25 possible outcomes

Yahoo Groups for Port Charles
Links to all PC-related groups on Yahoo

Fan Pages for Characters/Actors


Erin Hershey Presley Fans
Yahoo group dedicated to the very talented and beautiful actress who portrayed Alison

Erin Hershey Presley Fans
A place to talk about Erin


Anne Jeffreys
Bio provided by the Women's International Center. Anne was the recipient of the 1998 Living Legacy Award.

Anne Jeffreys
NNDB page about Anne

Anne Jeffreys
Anne's listing at Internet Broadway Database (IBDB)

Anne Jeffreys Pictures
Photos of Anne


Horror Vacui/Caleb Muse Forum
A message board to discuss Caleb, other vampires, the supernatural, the arts, and various dark muses

Michael Easton Eclectics
Myspace group for fans to pay tribute to Michael

Michael Easton Fan Project
Lots of info about Michael! Fan art, slideshow, photos, screencaps, wallpaper, and much more. Update: The main page says that the site has moved, but the link provided is not valid. Check the left sidebar for valid links to wallpaper and other cool stuff hosted at the Michael Easton Fan Project.

Michael Easton Fan Tribute
Info, mostly about his days on PC

Michael Easton Web
Small fan page

Passion: The Caleb & Alison Experience
First Yahoo group to celebrate Cali!

Caleb and Olivia

Caleb and Livvie Yahoo Group
Dedicated to PC's most passionate couple ever

Caleb's Seduction
A Caleb/Olivia video featuring music by P.J. Harvey

Eternal Soulmates - Caleb and Olivia Morley
Creative site about the couple. Animations, fan fiction, fan art, and more.

The Michael Easton and Kelly Monaco Message Board
Dedicated to Michael, Kelly, and their characters. Membership required.

Souls Tied In Eternity: Caleb & Livvie
Fansite for Caleb and Livvie. Photos, bios, supporters, petition, and more.

Tainted Love: Caleb and Olivia
Message board about Michael, Kelly, Caleb/Olivia, and any of their characters. Recaps, discussion, slideshows, and much more.


Gary "Illuminati" Sturgis
Older article about Gary's debut as rapper "Illuminati"

Gary Sturgis: The Sweet Sound of Success
Very nice article about Gary


Martini Night
Fansite for Chris Ramsey

Nolan North Quotes
Fun quotes about Chris and life as an actor


Julie Pinson Online
This is a website dedicated to the ever talented Julie Pinson

Fansite for Julie Pinson, who played Eve Lambert


Jay Pickett Spotlight
Fantastic source for info about Jay

Julie and Frank Fanatics
Julie and Frank fan page

Frank and Livvie Online
Fansite for Frank and Livvie. Actor and character bios, pictures, fan fiction, message board.

Ian and Eve

For Eternity
Site dedicated to Ian and Eve

Ian and Eve's Cabin
Old site from Geocities, preserved, about the couple

Joe and Karen

The Joe and Karen Supersite: Remembering the Magic
Page for the old Joe and Karen

Kevin and Lucy

Lynn Herring/Lucy Coe Guardian Angels
Group of fans for Lucy and Kevin, with quotes, links, poetry, message board, pictures and more!


Anastasia Horne on Facebook
Fan page for the actress

The Anastasia Connection
Page for Anastasia Horne (Lark).

Matt and Ellen

Matt & Ellen's Place
Photos and fan fiction about the couple from PC's early years

Rafe and Alison

A Match Made in Heaven
A Rafe and Alison fansite. No longer updated.

Angel Struck
Online community for Rafe and Alison

Heavenly Passion
Fansite for the best couple on daytime, Alison and Rafe on the number 1 Best Soap, Port Charles.

Operation Soul Mates
Site to support keeping Rafe and Alison together. Not recently updated.

Port Charles
Fansite dedicated to the pairing of Alison and Rafe. Excellent bios.

Rafe & Alison Forever
A new address for this fansite for the popular couple.

Secrets of Destiny
Unique Rafe/Alison site


General Hospital's Kin Shriner is Street Smart about Manatees
Save the Manatee Club's article about actor and manatee advocate Kin Shriner

Kin's Korner
Pictures, articles, and links about Kin, Scott, and related characters


Joy Bisco Online
Bios, quotes, interviews, and much more about the actress who played Casey and Marissa.

Ian Buchanan Online
Bio, articles, filmography, pictures, and much more about the actor who played Joshua Temple.

Pat Crowley
Incomplete but interesting timeline-type bio of this Silver Screen glamour girl who played Mary Scanlon.

Rafe Online
All about Rafe and his portrayer, Brian Gaskill.

LHLCGA Homepage
The Lynn Herring Lucy Coe Guardian Angels.

Colton James Picture Gallery
Lots of pics from Teen Idols 4 You of the actor who played Neil Kanelos

Charles Keating at Thespian Net
Bio, news, and more about the actor who played the devilish James Richfield.

Alex Mendoza
Lots of info about the third actor who played Joe.

Jean Bruce Scott
UK Terrestrial Cult TV's page for the actress who played Coleen.

Teens of Port Charles
Yahoo group. Not much recent activity.

Karen Wexler Online
Fansite about Karen and the three actresses who portrayed her

23 Link Chain
Real-life band of drummer Eddie Matos (Ricky). Heard performing "Hey, Sister" on PC. and their My Space Page

Links to Other TV Sites

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Page updated 4/19/23

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