PC Fan Clubs
Here are the addresses for PC actors with fan clubs. Note that
most mail is sent to the studio and that the actors prefer that
fan club mail *not* be addressed as fan club, but just generally
to the actor in question.
These may not be up-to-date, since the show has been
off the air for a while now...
Port Charles Fan Club
c/o Debbie Morris
P.O. Box 96737
Houston, TX 77213
e-mail: GHPCFANCLB@aol.com
Michael Easton Fan Club (Caleb) (unofficial fan club)
Kelly Monaco Fan Club
Brian and Erin Hershey Presley Fan Club (Jack and Alison)
Send $35 (U.S.) or $40 (Canadian) or $45 (other countries) to join. Make
all checks to:
Brian and Erin Hershey Presley Fan Club
c/o Debby O'Connor
P.O. Box 16212
Irvine, CA 92623
Eddie Matos (Ricky)
Maree Cheatham International Fan Club (Charlene, Lucy's aunt)
137 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90004
e-mail: maree@mareecheatham.com
Please let us know if you know of any PC fan clubs that aren't
listed here!
Are you a big fan of PC?
Email us if you want to help out our site!
Other Fan Club Pages: AMC,
AW, B&B,
Days, GH,
Passions, & Y&R.
Page updated 8/21/14
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