Port Charles Cast List From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Cast Page


PC Cast List



Kaitlyn Maggio Christina Baldwin*
Susan Brown Gail Baldwin*
Peter Hansen  Lee Baldwin*
Kin Shriner Scott Baldwin*
Carly Schroeder  Serena Baldwin*
Erin Hershey Presley Alison Barrington
Anne Jeffreys Amanda Barrington
Rebecca Staab Elizabeth Barrington
Mariam Parris Reese Black*
Samantha Adams Deneice Caldwell*
Lynn Herring  Lucy Coe
Jon Robert Lindstrom Dr. Kevin Collins
Patricia Crowley Mary Scanlon Collins*
Nicholas Pryor  Victor Collins*
Sal Lopez Emilio Garza*
Eddie Matos Ricky Garza
Jed Allan Ed Grant*
Rachel Ames  Audrey Hardy*
Kent Masters-King  Imani*
Brian Gaskill Rafe Kovich
Joy Bisco Casey Leong
Kelly Monaco Livvie Locke
Vernee Watson-Johnson Madea*
Michael Easton Caleb Morley
Gary Anthony Sturgis Caz (Casper) Morrison*
Nolan North  Dr. Chris Ramsey
Brian Presley  Jack Ramsey
Beverly Garland Estelle Reese*
Shannon Sturges Kate Reynolds
Jean Bruce Scott Colleen Russo*
Jay Pickett  Francis Xavier (Frank) Scanlon
Maree Cheatham Charlene Simpson*
Pamela Warren Doree Sullivan*
Ian Buchanan Joshua Temple
Walker Flemming  Daniel Griffin Thornhart*
Thorsten Kaye  Dr. Ian Thornhart
Marie Wilson  Dr. Karen Wexler
Denise Galik-Furey  Rhonda Wexler*
Kiko Ellsworth Jamal Woods

*Recurring character--Other recurring characters may include any of the GH cast.

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

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Page updated 8/13/21

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