Port Charles Birthday List by Actor From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Birthdays by Actor Page


PC Cast Birthdays in Alphabetical Order by Last Name

Sarah Aldrich  2/10  Courtney Kanelos
Jed Allan  3/1 Ed Grant
Opal Anchel  9/6  Arianna Thornhart
Maurice Benard  3/1/63 Sonny Corinthos
Joy Bisco  10/15  Casey Leong/Marissa Leong
Jay Bontatibus  7/31  Andy Capelli
Vanessa Branch  3/21  Paige Smith/Rebecca Barrington
Aimee Brooks  8/15  Sam
Kimberlin Brown  6/29/61 Rachel Locke
Susan Brown  5/4/32 Gail Baldwin
Ian Buchanan  6/16/57 Joshua Temple
Jeffrey Byron  11/28  Mark Boardman
Maree Cheatham  6/2  Charlene Simpson
Christina Cindrich  8/26  Stacey
Patricia Crowley  9/17/33 Mary Scanlon Collins
Linda Dano  5/12  Gretel Rae Cummings Buchanan
Tamara Davies  6/6  Amy Harris aka Amy Stradling
William deVry  4/20/68 Tim Dolan
Michael Easton  2/15/67 Caleb Morley/Michael Morley/Stephen Clay
Kiko Ellsworth  1/2/73 Jamal Woods
Denise Galik-Furey  12/4 Rhonda Wexler
Beverly Garland *  10/17  Estelle Reese
Brian Gaskill  1/22  Rafe Kovich
Lisa Ann Hadley  1/11  Julie Devlin Ramsey
Ron Hale  1/2/46 Mike Corbin
Peter Hansen  12/5/21 Lee Baldwin
Susan Haskell  6/10  Granya Thornhart
Lynn Herring  9/22/58 Lucy Coe Collins
Colton James  2/22  Neil Kanelos
Anne Jeffreys  1/26  Amanda Barrington
Lyle Kanouse  7/12  Big Ben
Thorsten Kaye  2/22/63 Ian Thornhart
Charles Keating  10/22  James Richfield
Kent Masters King  8/5/74 Imani
Jon Lindstrom  10/18/57 Kevin Collins/Ryan Chamberlain
Sal Lopez  11/8  Emilio Garza
Kaitlyn Maggio  1/4  Christina Baldwin
Chris Maleki  2/26  Ben Shapour
Eddie Matos  7/18  Ricky Garza
Geoff Meed  12/31  Bruno
Alex Mendoza  10/27  Joe Scanlon
Kelly Monaco  5/23/76 Livvie Locke/Tess
Nolan North  10/31  Chris Ramsey
Wayne Northrop  4/12  Rex Stanton
Ion Overman  11/9  Gabriela Garza
Dominic Peterson  12/30  Orderly
Jay Pickett  2/10  Frank Scanlon
Julie Pinson  11/7  Eve Lambert Thornhart
Brian Presley  8/18  Jack Ramsey
Erin Hershey Presley  9/2  Alison Barrington
Nicholas Pryor  11/18  Victor Collins
Daniel Quinn 8/19
died 7/4/2015
Sheriff Elliot
Carly Schroeder  10/18  Serena Baldwin
Jean Bruce Scott  2/25  Colleen Russo
Kin Shriner  12/6/53 Scott Baldwin
Louise Sorel  8/6  Donatella
Rebecca Staab  7/27  Elizabeth Barrington
Shannon Sturges  1/3  Kate Reynolds
Eddie Velez  6/4  Alex Garcia
Robert D. Vito  7/13  Neil Kanelos
Vernee Watson-Johnson  1/14  Madea
Marie Wilson  10/12  Karen Wexler
Ramy Zada  2/1  Jordan Harris
John J. York  12/1058 Mac Scorpio

* deceased

PC Cast Birthdays in Chronological Order

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

Other Birthday Lists: All My Children, Another World, As the World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, The City/Loving, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, GH: Night Shift, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Sunset Beach, Young & the Restless, 24, 30 Rock, Alias, Almost Human, American Gothic, Angel, Arrow, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Beauty & The Beast, Being Human, Big Bang Theory, Blackadder, Bones, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castle, Charmed, Covert Affairs, CSI, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dawson's Creek, Drew Carey Show, Earth 2, Eerie Indiana, Fawlty Towers, Ghost Whisperer, Gotham, Grey's Anatomy, Grosse Pointe, Haven, Herman's Head, Heroes, Hi Honey I'm Home, Hollywood Heights, Howard Stern Show, House, Jericho, Larry Sanders Show, Law & Order, Lois and Clark, Lost, Mad About You, Mork & Mindy, The O.C., Pacific Palisades, Police Squad!, Red Dwarf, Remington Steele, Savannah, Sledgehammer, Smallville, Space: 1999, Star Trek, True Blood, TV Nation and Vampire Diaries.

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Page updated 9/24/15

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