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WELCOME to The TVMEGASITE.NET Port Charles Banners Page
PC Banners
Instructions for linking:
First choose a banner.
Right-click on it with your mouse button and choose "save as..."
Upload it to your web page.
Use this HTML: <a href=""><img src="banner.jpg"></a>
Put the actual name of the banner where it says "banner.jpg"
Make sure to include any directory you might have put the file in, such as images/banner.jpg
Thank you!!!
Thanks to Tee for the banner above!
Some banners made at
Please see our list of other banner pages on our Main Banner Page. Are you a big fan of PC? Email us if you want to help out our site!Page updated 8/21/14 Back to the Main Port Charles Page
Are you a big fan of PC? Email us if you want to help out our site!Page updated 8/21/14 Back to the Main Port Charles Page
Page updated 8/21/14
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