Passions Moments #77 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Best Moments

12/20 - 12/24/04


Tabitha suddenly mentioned Norma coming after her.

Alistair passed out before he could tell Beth what mother meant.

Simone saw Evian ice skating at the pond.

Eve didn't notice Simone at the pond sooner.

Norma was shown after Tabitha was talking about her.

TC and Liz showed up at the pond while Evian were there.

Beth saw Shuis on TV while they were at the pond.

Theresa was suddenly suspicious of how Ivy got Sam.

Beth saw Shuis with Marty on TV.

Norma picked the lock as the guard said she wasn't going anywhere for a long time.


Gwen and Rebecca had time to pack up Theresa and Pilar's stuff.

Theresa said that she was thrown out of the hospital.

Martin said Paloma wanted him and Katherine to meet her at the pond.

Theresa said she promised to take little Ethan to the ceremony.

Kay said that Miguel sent Maria a present.

Katherine decided to stay at the tree lighting ceremony when she saw Sheridan.

Little Ethan came outside when the guards took Theresa away.

Pilar saw KMart kissing under the mistletoe.

Gwen and Rebecca were at the ceremony when Theresa was there.

Sam forced Gwen to let Theresa see little Ethan.

Sam made a speech about Katherine and Sheridan at the ceremony years ago.

Sami said that it was tradition for daughters to give the flowers to their mother.


Tabitha showed up at Sheridan's bridal shower when she wasn't invited.

Katherine and Pilar showed up at the bridal shower at the same time.

Julian suddenly wanted Luis to get his job back.

Fox was by the door when Chad and Valerie were talking about him.

Everyone at the bridal shower were distracted when Sheridan walked in.

Paloma said she needed Katherine to be with her in order to go to the shower.

Sheridan said how she wished her mother to be at the bridal shower.

Theresa heard Whitney say she was pregnant, but she didn't hear her say how it's Chad's baby.

Edna had her hearing aid out of her ear when Tabitha was talking to Precious about Katherine.

Julian gave Luis the money he lost while he was suspended.

Pilar didn't hear Katherine say how she's Katherine's mother.


Chad wanted to go with Whitney to court because Fox had to work on the project.

Shuis and Beth were at the pond at the same time.

Beth couldn't figure out that Mrs. Wheeler is Katherine. 

Eve and Julian showed up at the courthouse when TC and Liz were hugging.

Simone saw Julian and Eve hugging outside of the courthouse.

An elf told Sheridan how Marty had her eyes.

Ethan was the one who caught Theresa trying to sneak into little Ethan's room.

Ethan lied to Gwen so Theresa could see little Ethan.

Tabitha said Katherine has a heart shaped birthmark on the back of her neck.

Gwen wanted to check on little Ethan when Theresa was with him.


Chad had a present for Whitney.

KMart and Paloma were at the pond while Shuis and Marty were there.

Fox was able to pick Whitney up at the hospital.

Theresa was out of little Ethan's room before Gwen could see her.

Rebecca wanted to go to Tabitha in order to get rid of Eve.

Theresa ran into a drunk Santa so she could dress up like him in order to see little Ethan.

Gwen didn't recognize Theresa dressed as Santa.

It was suddenly dark when Rebecca was at Tabitha's house.

Julian and Eve had all of Pilar's things back in her house.

Paloma was told to show up at the Lopez-Fitzgerald house.

Shuis wanted Beth to sit with them she she couldn't see Katherine's neck.

Beth managed to see the birthmark on Katherine when Martin put her coat on.

Michele and Cheryl

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