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Passions Story History

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Here is a brief history of the Passions' characters and their recent events, for those who have just started watching the show.

Written summer 2004 by Suzanne; we will be updating this soon.

Passions families are:
  • The Cranes - rich family in town:

Alistair is the evil patriarch. Daughter Sheridan and son Julian. He tried to kill Sheridan and constantly puts Julian down.  He is pure evil. We  found out his wife Katherine is still alive. Everyone except him thought she was dead. She ran off with Martin years ago when Alistair tried to rape her and Martin defended her. They were living in Mexico with Martin's daughter, Paloma.

Sheridan's true love is Luis and they have had a tortured history, even through past lives. She was kidnapped and their son was stolen from her by Beth and Alistair. She was married to his brother, Antonio, but Antonio "died" in a plane crash.  Now Sheridan and Luis are engaged and are getting married after Christmas 2004.

Julian used to be a bad guy but now is kind of good. He loves Eve; they had a thing years ago when she used to sing in night clubs. They had a child but Alistair stole it and sold it or something. They recently found out it's Chad who is their son (but not sure if that is true). He is married to Rebecca, whom he doesn't love. She is a total witch but very funny comic relief. She blackmailed Julian into marrying her. They used to have wild sex with dress-up games. Now that he and Eve are back together, he is in the process of getting a divorce from Rebecca.

Fox is Julian's son by his former marriage to Ivy. He works for the Crane Industries and was a bit of a black sheep until they found out he was the only Crane heir. He adores Whitney and briefly dated/slept with Theresa. Now he is with Whitney. He thinks that they are going to have a baby.

Ethan was brought up as a Crane but was later found to be Sam's son. Julian still treats him somewhat like his son. Ivy, who was married to Julian for years, is his mother. Theresa is Ethan's true love but he is married to Gwen. He was engaged to Gwen but Theresa chased after him relentlessly (almost like a stalker). They have a long history. Gwen is Rebecca s daughter and the two of them scheme together, although Gwen is not evil like Rebecca. She hates Theresa with a passion. She blames Theresa for the loss of baby (although it's more her own fault) and is always insecure about Ethan. She can't have any more children. Gwen and Ethan have custody of Theresa's son Ethan Jr. Tests showed that Ethan jr. is Julian's son (he and Theresa had a drunken one night stand when a friend of his slipped them both a mickey) but fans wonder if that's true. Rebecca bribed a judge so they could get custody of Little Ethan. Gwen and Ethan were going to get a surrogate to have a baby because she can't have any more children. Theresa found out and substituted herself for the surrogate. She was pregnant with twins, but she could only save one. We don't know yet who the mother of the baby is. As far as we know, she was still carrying Gwen's baby as well as her own baby. Now Ethan, Gwen, and Theresa will get a DNA test to determine who's baby it is.

  • The Russells-The African American family.

TC is a high school tennis coach.  Eve is a well-respected doctor. When she was a teen, she ran off and became a nightclub singer, did drugs, was a hooker, etc. She and Julian fell in love but Julian also used her a bit. His father got Julian sent away to Europe and told Eve that he was done with her. Julian thought Alistair was taking care of her and didn't know she was pregnant. She hid all this from her family until the truth recently came out. She and her husband TC have two daughters, Whitney and Simone. Simone and Whitney used to fight over Chad but he has always been crazy about Whitney. Simone is best friends with Kay and has schemed with her but she's not as bad of a schemer as Kay. Whitney is a goody two shoes but also has a temper. She suspected that Eve and Julian were having an affair and called her mother many names. 

Whitney was engaged to Chad until she found out he might be her brother. She also had feelings for Fox, who adores her.  Whitney was on track to be a great professional tennis player but decided she wanted to sing instead. Her parents were opposed to this but eventually she won them over. Liz is Eve's half-sister. She blames Eve for running off and leaving her alone with her abusive father, who molested her a lot. Eve didn't know he was that way but it doesn't matter to Liz. She has been trying to break up Eve's marriage for years and forced the truth about her past to come out so she could snag TC and destroy Eve's life.  TC's tennis career was ruined when he got hit by a car. For years he blamed the Cranes but really it was Eve that hit him, he recently found out. Now Eve and TC are getting a divorce. Whitney is letting Fox think that he is the father of her baby when she thinks that the father is Chad. Eve covered up for her by saying that Fox was the baby's father.

  • Lopez-Fitzgeralds--Latina

Pilar is the long-suffering, very catholic matriarch of the family. Martin left her years ago when he had to leave because he was afraid Alistair would come after his family when he protected Katherine from rape. Pilar doesn't know why he left but suspected foul play by the Cranes. She always waits for him to come home. She had a fatal blood disease but they found a miracle cure. She used to work at the Cranes' house as a maid. She is close to both Ivy and Eve. Rebecca worked to ruin the Lopez-Fitzgeralds' lives by making sure they lost their jobs, their house, and little Ethan because of Theresa. Luis is the oldest son now that Antonio is dead. He was a cop and Sheridan is the love of his life (beyond all reason). He has struggled a lot with Alistair, who hates him. He is the ultimate good guy. Theresa is a heroine but also a schemer, especially when it comes to Ethan. She started out as a wedding planner (Gwen's) but later worked in the coffee shop/bookstore.  Miguel was another son but he recently left town to follow his true love, Charity. Paloma returned to Harmony with Martin and Katherine. She is the youngest daughter of Pilar and Martin. She blames her mother for abandoning her when she was a baby.

  • Bennetts--blue collar family

Sam Bennett is the patriarch. He is the chief of police. He and his wife Grace were married for many years but she left town with whom she thought was her first husband, David. He has reconnected to Ivy, whom he loved when he was very young, but she married Julian instead because of her family obligations/finances. She kept the secret of Ethan's paternity until a few years ago. Sam doesn't know that Ivy is a bad schemer. She has become a better person due to being with him. She was in a wheelchair for a few years due to some accident with lightning

Sam and Grace have two daughters, Kay and Jessica. Kay is the ultimate schemer/bad girl. She loved Miguel and did everything she could to snag him and keep him. She loved him since they were kids growing up, but then her cousin Charity came to town and Miguel fell hard. Grace and her family have some magical powers but mostly they don't use them or know about them. Kay has worked with the town witch, Tabitha, to cast spells, mostly against Charity and Miguel. She has a baby with Miguel, Maria. She works at the fish cannery and hates it. She hates her mom for always taking Charity's side over hers. Jessica is not much of a character; she has mostly been Simone's confidante. She's a rep for Mark Cosmetics. She dated geeky Reese for a while and was in love with him, but when Charity went "bad" for a while, she stole him away. Kay lives with Tabitha in the cottage next door. Grace is a really good woman, salt of the earth. Grace had amnesia when she and Sam got together years ago. Ivy hired a guy named David to pretend that he and Grace were once married. His son John doesn't know it's a scam and that Grace is not his real mother. Grace is very sad that her marriage broke up and that her daughters are mad at her. She made the sacrifice to be with David because of her son John. Grace has a dead twin sister named Faith who some times shows up to help people, especially Charity when she was still in town.

  • OTHERS--

Tabitha is a 300-year-old witch who lives in town and torments the residents of the town of Harmony. She is evil but very funny. The powers of darkness live in her basement. She worked to keep Charity and Miguel apart because if they got together, her powers would wane. The Bennett woman are a curse to her because their good witch powers are strong, even though they don't know to use them. Except for Kay, whom she has corrupted and taken under her wing. She used to have a doll that she had turned into a person named Timmy who talked to her and was her constant companion, but he died (the actor died). She had a one night stand with Julian and got pregnant with her baby, Endora. Endora is a demon baby so it has magical powers and helps Tabitha with her mischief. Woody is a lawyer in town, sort of a caricature of Johnny Cochran in that he is black and rhymes a lot. Hank is also a cop, good friend of Luis' who helps him out of jams. He used to have a thing for Sheridan and dated her briefly. Beth Wallace is a psycho woman that Luis dated in high school. She lives with her mother and they torment each other constantly. Beth conspired with Alistair to keep Luis and Sheridan apart for a long time. She has a baby, Martin, that is Luis'. Sheridan is really the mother, but no one knows except Alistair, Beth, and her mom. When Sheridan was pregnant, they kept her imprisoned in a pit and planned to kill her and take her baby. They took the baby but Sheridan survived. She didn't remember what happened or that Beth was the one who did it. She was put in a mental hospital for a while when she kept telling every one that Martin was her baby.  Beth kept trying but pretty much lost Luis for good. Her mother is Edna but everyone refers to her as Mrs. Wallace. They are comic together and they also have an orangutan named Precious that lives with them. Precious has wild fantasies, especially about Luis.

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