OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 10/19/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 10/19/11


Provided By Wanda

Tina: I can see that you're still upset about that misunderstanding a few years ago.

Natalie: Misunderstanding? I almost died. Because of you. You knew that Tess had Jared and me locked in a basement. You didn't do a damn thing about it!

Tina: I feel terrible about that! I mean, I never wanted to hurt you or Jared.

Natalie: Don't -- don't you even say his name!

Cord: Wow, catching up can be fun. Listen, why don't we just go to neutral corners here for a little bit, okay? Just take a time-out?

Tina: Look, I don't want to fight.

Natalie: Yeah, well, great. 'Cause I don't want to hear another word you have to say!

Cord: Great, then why don't we just drop it, okay?

Natalie: Fabulous idea, 'cause I don't want to hear any more excuses.

Tina: Well, there is no excuse for what I did, all right? I let you down. I know that. I just wish there was a way I could make it up to you.

Natalie: There isn't.

Tina: Yes, there is. I can help you with your wedding.

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