OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 6/29/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 6/29/11


Provided By Wanda

Shane: Why are you letting Clint have Mom's heart?

Rex's voice: I promise you, Todd and Jack will pay for what they've done to you. And I'll use the Buchanan power and money to do it.

Rex: It's complicated. Your mom... signed up to be an organ donor. There's a lot of legal stuff. We can talk about it later. But the point is... we don't have a lot of time, so we have to--

Shane: We have to what?

Rex: They're prepping Clint for surgery.

Shane: So that means... they have to take Mom's heart out of her?

Rex: So we have to say good-bye.

Shane: Mom... it may not have always felt like it, especially lately. You were the best mom. No matter how I felt about myself, you would always tell me that I was perfect just the way I was. And from now on, I'll never forget that. So you don't have to worry. I'm just gonna miss you so much. It feels so weird at home without you. It's like the house is empty. But I promise you--I swear I'll be ok. So you don't have to worry. I'm just gonna keep writing and drawing, and I'm gonna be an artist, just like you said. And a good man. I promise. And a promise is a promise. I love you so much, Mom. I remember the first day of school. You said I didn't have to worry, that you wouldn't leave until I said good-bye. Good-bye, Mom.

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