OLTL Best Lines Tuesday 5/10/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Tuesday 5/10/11


Provided By Wanda

Joey: I can't believe this. I welcomed you into my family, into my home.

Cutter: Of course you did. I'm a con man. It's my job to gain your confidence. But I've been after your family's fortune ever since I got here.

Joey: What do you mean since you got here?

Cutter: Didn't you think it was a little strange--Aubrey's brother showing up right after she got engaged to some billionaire's son?

Joey: I assumed you were here for your sister.

Cutter: Really? And you didn't wonder why this globe-trotting party boy was sticking around this Podunk little town, why I was so keen on helping out with "operation bring Jessica back out"?

Joey: I suppose that's because I was mistaken in thinking that you were actually a decent human being.

Cutter: Joey. Come on. How gullible can you be? Tess was just another way in.

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