OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 5/4/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 5/4/11


Provided By Wanda

Echo: I'm sorry, Charlie. I should've left you a message, but I just couldn't sleep. So I thought I'd go out and run a few errands. What is that?

Niki: Don't recognize the sound of your own hiss? Your buddy Clint is not as stupid as you are. He taped your little conversation, didn't he? Remember Clint, the other husband you tried to steal from Viki?

Echo: He told me he wouldn't tell anyone that I knew the truth, and he'd never give that to you.

Niki: Never said he did. Point is, I got it.

Echo: My, my, my, my, my. How are you feeling?

Clint: Clearly, you've never had a heart attack, or you wouldn't be asking such questions, but for the record, it's like being run over by an 18-wheeler.

Echo: I guess it's your punishment.

Clint: For what?

Echo: You remember that message you left me swearing that you'd never tell Viki that I lied to Charlie?

Clint: What about it?

Echo: I got a little visit from Niki Smith, and she played me a recording of me begging you not to tell Charlie that I knew that Rex wasn't his son. Where did she get it, Clint, from you?

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