OLTL Best Lines Thursday 2/17/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Thursday 2/17/11


Provided By Kathy

Ford: What the hell are we doing in here?

Tess: Hey! I used to come here all the time.

Ford: Really?

Tess: Yeah.

Ford: I'm not even gonna ask for what.

Tess: This is the kind of place you can do business in without being disturbed. Hey, sweetheart, you mind if I use this for a minute?

Ford: What are you doing? You can't drink.

Tess: Who died and made you my nanny? Jeez. Hey. You look like the type of guy that'd take a girl for a nice ride. Want to take me for a spin?

Man: Forget it. I've had enough crazy blondes for one night.

Clint: All I ever wanted was to make my children happy.

Brody: I don't think that's in the cards for Jessica anytime soon. And just so you know, Robert Ford's already trying to stake a claim on Ryder.

Clint: I won't allow that.

Brody: Not your decision.

Clint: I'll help you if you let me.

Brody: Yeah? Is that what you were trying to do when you tore our lives apart?

Clint: Please, Brody, don't talk like that. You're like a son to me.

Brody: What kind of a son? The kind you want or the kind you don't? I hate to ask, but it seems like there's a difference.

Tess: So? What do you think of my plan?

Ford: I think it's insane. You're insane.

Tess: It's foolproof. Actually, it's Ford-proof, but it'll only work if we act fast.

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