OLTL Best Lines Monday 1/17/11

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 1/17/11


Provided By Kathy

Roxy: I feel like I got hit by a ton of bricks, and then I got pushed in front of a semi. Marty's got one thick skull.

Rex: It's a good thing you do, too, or you could've been seriously injured.

Roxy: You really care?

Rex: What do you mean? Of course I do.

Roxy: Well, you know, I just thought, you know, since you found your real mama.

Rex: Hey. Echo DiSavoy might've given birth to me, but I will always think of you as my mom. Same way Natalie does.

Roxy: I guess that's true. Maybe she knows now that being a mom isn't just being genetical.

Nate: I'm sorry I lied.

Téa: You did what you thought was the right thing to do. Just don't do it again, all right?

Nate: And I'm sorry I stole the jewelry. I thought I'd pin it on my dad and you'd get it back when he was arrested.

Dani: It's okay.

Todd: It is?

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