OLTL Best Lines Monday 12/13/10

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 12/13/10


Provided By Kathy

Rex: What the hell are you doing here?

Nora: Mmph!

Rex: Sorry. Okay. This might hurt, all right? I'll make it quick.

Nora: Oh! Do you usually stop in the middle of a rescue mission to chat on the phone?

Ford: Lang, I hate hospitals. I've had enough.

Langston: I wonder why. Oh, that's right, because it wasn't too long ago that you got hit in the exact spot Eddie just kicked you in. Please, just get an x-ray or something.

Ford: I'm not gonna leave James alone at the apartment. What if Dad shows up?

Langston: Eddie's had his sick fun for today. And you heard Brody. He got a room. He'll probably just go there.

Ford: Yup, with a six-pack and a hooker.

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