OLTL Best Lines Monday 11/15/10

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 11/15/10


Provided By Kathy

Clint: Viki, what's the matter? We finally got the real story, and we got it from Echo.

Viki: And that alone should give you pause. She said a lot of things all those years ago. Very little of it resembled the truth.

Dorian: Score one for you, Viki.

Bo: This isn't a tennis match.

Dorian: No, it's not. It's far more interesting.

Ford: You brought a hooker into my house?

Eddie: Yeah. Like that's never happened before.

Ford: You don't think that between you, me, and James, we've had enough trouble with the law around here? You want vice cops down here, too?

Eddie: Well, you and your brother were out partying. What was I supposed to do, sit at home and watch the knitting channel?

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