OLTL Best Lines Friday 11/5/10

One Life to Live Best Lines Friday 11/5/10


Provided By Kathy

Ford: So why didn't he run?

James: He couldn't do that to Starr and Hope. Starr wanted to come along and they all would've been fugitives, and Cole couldn't live with that.

Ford: This girl...

James: What?

Ford: Sorry. I just don't get it. You've got two guys tripping over themselves trying to be your hero. You risk jail to help her escape with Cole, and then Cole turns around and turns himself in. If only she could make everyone so noble.

James: I told you. I'm not gonna make a move on Starr.

Ford: You don't have to. Just be there.

James: Oh, right, while she's crying over Cole?

Ford: Hell, yeah. Girls like that, they don't stay single for long. Trust me.

James: I can be her friend, but I can't take advantage of her.

Ford: Are you sure we're related?

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