OLTL Best Lines Friday 7/9/10

One Life to Live Best Lines Friday 7/9/10


Provided By Kathy

David: Pa! Pa! Are you here? Pa, I need your help! Matthew, where's pa? Oh, boy. Dorian's on the warpath. I got her all wet at the country club, and she wants to have me arrested for assaulting a public official.

Matthew: He's at the station. So's Mom.

David: Why are you so glum? Are you sick? Are you drunk? If you're drunk, I'll join you.

Matthew: I'm not drunk.

David: Oh, boy. Don't tell me you got dumped again. That would be a record.No, actually, I hold that record. You know, I got dumped by half the kick line at Radio City Music Hall in one night.

Starr: Dad, you were right. Hannah was lying when she said that she saw you push Marty down the stairs. She confessed it to John McBain.

Todd: How do you know?

Starr: Cole was there when it happened. Dad, it's over. They have to drop the charges.

Todd: Thanks. Yeah. That's great. Téa is gonna be very happy that John McBain's star witness is a big, fat liar...

Téa: What?

Todd: And thanks for letting me know.

Starr: Yeah, of course.

Todd: So you're back with Cole, huh?

Starr: Don't even start.

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