OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 11/11/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 11/11/09


Provided By Kathy

Jessica: Why couldn't you have just stayed dead?

Mitch: What, and rob my followers of their messenger?

Natalie: Your followers woke up and got the hell away from you, and the ones that stayed crazy got themselves killed, Mitch! You have no followers!

Mitch: Well, you see, I have reconstituted my church. It seems there were so many lost souls still in need of my -- guidance.

Natalie: Guidance to where, off a cliff?

Blair: What makes you think at I could actually help with your daughter?

Ross: Because you have a girl. You have a daughter a couple years older than Dani. What would happen if Todd took Starr away from you and --

Blair: Well, he did, remember? And you helped him.

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