OLTL Best Lines Monday 8/3/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 8/3/09


Provided By Nathan

Téa: What--what is that?

Dorian: It's my portrait. Do you like it?

Téa: There's a cat going to the bathroom behind it.

Dorian: Well, at least somebody's doing what they want to do.

Charlie: Ok. Ah. Whew. Viki D., You changed my life. I walked into that diner in Paris, Texas and saw you, and that was it. Your belief in me, your friendship, those eyes... ah. If it weren't for you, I never would've found my son-- or anything else in this world that really matters to me. You're my rock, Viki. And I promise you that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

Viki: Ohh.

Viki: Oh, Charlie, my Charlie, you already make me happy. I never thought I would ever feel this way again. Of course, I never thought anyone would build me a diner, either.

Rex: Look, I appreciate your helping with Stacy, but what's going on now--that's between Gigi and me. We are back together, and no one's gonna pull us apart.

Schuyler: Yeah. Your point?

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