OLTL Best Lines Monday 7/20/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 7/20/09


Provided By Nathan

Téa: Oh, like if the minor wants to join the military or get married--

Destiny: Wait. That's, like, your thing, right?

Téa: My thing?

Destiny: You get people married so they can win court cases. I read it on the Internet.

Stacy: You want me, Rex. You know you do.

Rex: No, I want what Shane needs to survive, and if you're this needy and desperate, this is the only way... I will have sex with you if I have to. But I would never call it "making love" because I would hate every second of it.

Destiny: There is something you can do?

Téa: There's a lot I can do.

Destiny: So what are you waiting for? Do it.

Téa: Hello! I am not cheap. This pays for about 10 seconds of my time, but I will be keeping it. Thank you very much.

John: Well, there's no law against being friends.

Blair: Oh, yeah, the way you and Marty are friends? No, I didn't mean it...like that, I mean. I just meant that sometimes that's easier said than done. I mean, look at Todd, Téa, and me.

John: That's not us.

Blair: No. No. We were by far more civilized.

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