OLTL Best Lines Friday 6/26/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Friday 6/26/09


Provided By Nathan

Stacy: So Rex and I are no longer just roommates. We're roommates with benefits. We made love, Schuyler. Oh, my God. It was so amazing. Say something.

Schuyler: That's -- that's -- that's your good news? Really, that you slept with Rex?

Stacy: What, are you going to cry about it?

Schuyler: Well, what do you -- what are you here for? What are you going to tell Gigi? "Hi, Gigi. Nice shirt. By the way, I just had sex with your boyfriend."

Roxy: What?

Natalie: That's right. Rex is about to know the truth, and that is not the worst of it. The worst of it is that his own mother knew it, and he is going to find out that you knew it and you kept it from him. Nice job, Mom.

Roxy: Natty --

Natalie: Don't touch me! I got to get out of here. You're making me sick.

[Door slams]

Roxy: I guess I got on her bad side.

Todd: Nothing, actually. She's obviously still recovering. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Téa: Now, Todd, don't worry. I am not going to say a word. You are.

Todd (on tape): There is no way that drug addict loser gets anywhere near my daughter again. Do you understand? If he comes within 10 feet of marrying my daughter, I'm going to put my hands around his neck and I'm going to kill him.

Téa: 'Nuff said?

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