OLTL Best Lines Monday 6/22/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 6/22/09


Provided By Nathan

Téa: You set this up.

Blair: Set what up?

Téa: The whole thing. The custody hearing, the judge's ruling --

Blair: Are you on painkillers?

Gigi: Why? Did she say something?

Schuyler: No, it was more what she didn't say.

Gigi: Have you talked to Roxy much? She has a lot of big gaps.

Starr: We're not kids.

Todd: Legally, you are. Which means you have to have parental consent to get married.

Starr: But I'm 17.

Todd: The age of consent in Pennsylvania is 18.

Starr: And how do you know that?

Todd: Every father with a teenage daughter in the state knows that.

Police officer: I'd have to uncuff her.

Bo: That's ok.

Stacy: You can have your ratty robe back, too.

Bo: Oh, Abe --

Abraham: You hear that? That one should stay in cuffs. That one is shifty.

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