One Life to Live Best Lines Thursday 5/28/09
Provided By Wanda
Marty: Yeah. God, I'm so glad -- I'm so glad I have you back, and that I can know you. From your diapers to your missing teeth -- I know, I'm embarrassing you, but it's all true -- to this great big, strong, handsome young man.
Cole: Hmm, you know, you never told me. What brought your memory back? I mean, if you don't want to talk about it --
Marty: No, no, no, I wanted to talk to you about it. I just wasn't quite sure how to get there.
Cole: I'm guessing when that guy had you at the frat house, you remembered what happened there.
Marty: Yes, and it was -- it was pretty rough remembering it, but I'm really glad it happened. You know why? Because when I remembered that and I accepted it, all these memories came flooding back. I'm so glad it happened. You know, I -- I remembered your dad, how much we love each other -- we loved each other. How much we loved you.
Cole: You know, when you're a kid, you don't think that anything bad can happen to you. I mean, it can, but your mom and dad can fix it. But when something happens that no one can fix --
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