OLTL Best Lines Friday 5/22/09

One Life to Live Best Lines Friday 5/22/09


Provided By Wanda

Marty: A child was buried, but it wasn't Hope. Here's what I know. Jessica Buchanan -- she's had a history of D.I.D. --

Blair: Yeah, she's been in St. Ann's.

Marty: Right -- well, apparently, when she gave birth to her child, she was in the middle of an episode. In any event, the baby died and she couldn't accept it. In her attempt to avoid reality, she somehow switched the babies. She switched her child with Starr and Cole's --

Blair: The babies were switched?

Marty: Yes. And now hope is at the hospital.

Blair: My -- my grandchild.

Marty: Our grandchild. And Viki and Clint -- they're at the hospital. They're waiting for Jessica's psychiatrist to show up because, you know, they want to tell her together.

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