OLTL Best Lines Tuesday 12/16/08

One Life to Live Best Lines Tuesday 12/16/08


Provided By Wanda

Judge: Well, so be it. A plea of not guilty is hereby entered.

Marty: Is he really changing his plea?

Nora: It appears so.

Marty: What happens now?

Nora: Unfortunately, we go to trial.

Marty: I have to testify?

Nora: I'm very sorry.

Marty: What about Todd?

Nora: Him? I rip him limb from limb.

Judge: Well, so be it. A plea of not guilty is hereby entered.

Marty: Is he really changing his plea?

Nora: It appears so.

Marty: What happens now?

Nora: Unfortunately, we go to trial.

Marty: I have to testify?

Nora: I'm very sorry.

Marty: What about Todd?

Nora: Him? I rip him limb from limb.

Todd: Nora looks pretty pissed.

Tea: Wait till you see her face when you get bail. I'll have you out of here before you know it.

Judge: We will proceed now with the question of bail. Now, may I remind counsel that in order to be released from custody the defendant must demonstrate that he will appear in court at the appointed time, that he will not flee the jurisdiction, and that he poses no threat to the community.

Blair: Yeah, that's right, that's Todd in a nutshell.

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