OLTL Best Lines Friday 9/19/08

One Life to Live Best Lines Friday 9/19/08


Provided By Wanda

Tina: What's going on? David Vickers, now -- now sit -- sit. Now get off the mean lady. Sit. Sit. Ah. There. See how well behaved he is?

Tess: I warned you to keep this glorified rat-dog away from me.

Tina: You know, he must sense that there is something amiss in the basement. Could it be that it's because you have your sister locked up in a glass cage?

Tess: You shut your mouth. Unless you're anxious for everybody to know that you have the Mendorran crown jewels stashed in the wall safe, and -- Carlo Hesser's on the loose. Oh, my God, do you think that he would go after Sarah if he found out that you double-crossed him?

Tina: You keep your mouth shut, and so will I.

Tess: Pinky swear? Oh, yeah, but there's one more thing I need from you, lady. See, I can convince the rest of the world that Natalie ran away and is not coming back, but I need you to work on Jared.

Tina: Well, lady, I do think he's very attractive, but you know, I --

Tess: Oh, my God, ok, no, no, no, no. Not like that. God, no. I need you to convince him that he has to give up on Natalie. God. Oh.

Natalie: Hey, Tess, if you think that I'm just going to curl up in a ball and surrender, you've locked up the wrong lady.

Tina: I'm sorry that awful Tess was so mean to you, honey. But she's mean to everybody, if that's any consolation. It's true. Come on. Oh, come here. Well -- huh, what have we here?

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