OLTL Best Lines Monday 5/12/08

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 5/12/08


Provided By Michelle

Addie: You're absolutely sure Rex was looking for this Gigi person?

Adriana: Well, Rex showed up to my party and he was pretty wasted -- drunk.

Addie: I know the lingo, keep going.

Adriana: And he was looking for someone.

Addie: You, he was looking for you.

Adriana: I was standing right in front of him, and he was looking over my shoulder.

Addie: Well, if he was as wasted as you say, then he couldn't focus. I've heard that can happen. I've never been drunk myself, but it's on my list, but way down there. I -- I've had so much thorazine, if -- well, maybe margaritas on a beach in Mexico. I'm sorry, we were talking about you and Rex.

Adriana: Rex. I know him better than any human being on the planet. The man was looking for his old girlfriend.

Addie: This Gigi, she's his old girlfriend?

Adriana: They went together in high school, back in Michigan.

Addie: Oh, I hate her already.

Adriana: Thank you. Me, too. And you know the thing I hate most about her? She turned me into a total bitch.

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