OLTL Best Lines Tuesday 4/15/08

One Life to Live Best Lines Tuesday 4/15/08


Provided By Michelle

Nora: I had dinner with Clint last night. He didn't say anything.

Bo: Well, I guess he probably got tired of talking about it because I gave him hell and Viki probably did, too.

Nora: Viki?

Bo: Yeah, Manning sent a mockup of the front page over to Viki so she and Clint wouldn't be blindsided. I guess Manning's trying to be a decent guy these days.

Nora: Oh, I guess his decency includes kindly informing Clint before he rakes him across the coals.

Bo: Well, Viki took it to show Clint so he could stop it before it went to press.

Nora: Then why didn't he stop it? Oh, I get it. Clint's going to slap a libel suit on Todd and shut down "The Sun," isn't he?

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