OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 3/19/08

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 3/19/08


Provided By Michelle

Ramsey: Casual Friday, I see. Things certainly have changed since the old man passed.

Bo: So what are you, the fashion police now? You here doling out advice?

Ramsey: Fashion? Me, no. No, I'm here on official business investigating a possible fraud involving B.E.

Natalie: That's why I pulled you out of your workout, Uncle Bo. It has to do with the Harris York case.

Bo: Well, what does that have to do with him? This should be handled at the federal level.

Nora: I thought so, too. But the new commissioner insisted it stay local, so here I am.

Ramsey: And since the tech global embezzlement case was handled so successfully locally and successfully prosecuted --

Nora: Yes, it was -- very capably, I might add.

Ramsey: And since the -- B.E.'s the largest, most powerful corporation in Llanview, the D.A. and I will be making a thorough investigation and therefore a successful conviction. Anyone who skirts the law in this case will be brought down.

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