OLTL Best Lines Thursday 12/27/07

One Life to Live Best Lines Thursday 12/27/07


Provided By Michelle

Marcie: Okay, let me get this straight -- your ex-boyfriend was here because of me? What does that mean?

Gigi: He's a private eye hired to find you and your son.

Marcie: A private eye? And you don't think to tell me this before?

Gigi: I figured you were taking off right away, so what did it matter?

Marcie: Gigi -- Gigi, I need to know this! Come -- what did you tell him?

Gigi: Same story I told Manning -- that you were headed for Argentina -- Iguaçu Falls.

Marcie: Can I just -- just ask, why there?

Gigi: I studied it in high school and it stuck out in my mind, okay? Anyway, it worked!

Marcie: Oh, my God! Iguaçu Falls, Gigi!

Gigi: He bought it, Marcie, okay? He's gone now! All he could think about was getting back home to his girlfriend!

Marcie: Yes -- who has my ring!

Gigi: Yeah, but he doesn't know it's yours. And besides, that perfect, wonderful woman he told me about is probably wearing that ring by now.

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