OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 10/17/07

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 10/17/07


Provided By Michelle

Sarah: There is no "me and Cristian." Why would you think that?

Layla: You lived together.

Sarah: He slept on the couch, I slept in the bed.

Layla: You work together.

Sarah: You work with Adriana -- you got the hots for her?

Layla: You tight last night at the club.

Sarah: I booked Timbaland -- it was a big night for us.

Layla: Cristian's handsome, nice, talented, available.

Sarah: And still hg up on your sister.

Layla: I know he still cares about Vange. But she may never be able to -- I mean, even if she does recover -- I mean, when -- when she recovers --

Sarah: Hey -- we don't have to talk about this.

Layla: Yeah, we do. Because I don't want you to stay away from something because you're afraid that Evangeline and Cristian might get back together. Because the truth is they were broken up before she got hurt. And there's something between you and Cristian, so why not go for it?

Sarah: Because we drive each other crazy.

Layla: See? That proves it.

Sarah: He's my boss -- it would be totally inappropriate.

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