OLTL Best Lines Monday 9/24/07

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 9/24/07


Provided By Michelle

Blair: I know what this is. This is a Tea Delgado.

Todd: I beg your pardon?

Blair: When you were trying to get custody of Starr, and you paid that -- Tea Delgado $5 million to make you look less like a self-centered punk, and more like a parent.

Todd: Well, it worked like a charm, though, didn’t it? I won.

Blair: And that is why I will never marry you. That gloating face of yours.

Todd: Not now. Hey --

Blair: What?

Todd: That was the old Todd. He had a different face. The new Todd -- the new-and-improved Todd doesn’t gloat, wouldn’t think of gloating.

Blair: Mm-hmm.

Todd: The new Todd is all about humility and gratitude.

Blair: Oh, humility? From you?

Todd: All right, gratitude. But listen, this is a -- no, hey, look. No, really, this is a slam dunk. Because, A, we've been married before, we know how to do it. B, we got a built-in family. So the judge sees us, he’s going to love us.

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